H! My name is Zsuzsanna Bozo, and this is my space to share volunteering stories and aid projects I'm coordinating. I see this as a platform to showcase how charity projects can change you to become a better version of your current self. Believe me, I have changed a lot, by meeting some fantastic people and spending time organizing social events. By volunteering you give a chance to find new friends, new opportunities and new perspectives. Let's start the stories !

The Nursery Project
Progress Diary: The Nursery Project "Csongor"
The next Nursery Project has been completed, thanks to Alex Davern, his family and friends. In the 10 years history of The Nursery Project, this is definitely the larges take on we ever had. We worked with an Ukrainian village of Chomonyn, the project has been lead by the local mayor, András Baksa. Follow the link to a photo diary and meet the local builders team, see the design plans and the final delivery photos. New water proofing floor comes in, we say goodbye to the mouldy ceiling, and create a fun and welcoming environment for the kids that should last many years to come. The main playroom, one group room, the kitchen, and a new storage space was ready by the 17th of January. The second (final) part is completed April 2024.