This project is very close to my heart. It started with me going back to my old village nursery of Zabar, in Nógrád county, East-Hungary. It's was very much in need of some upgrade, new toys, new shower, and complete new furniture set. We started dreaming, than magic happened. I found partners to invest, and it has become a beautiful example of the expat community of Hungary not just contributing to uplifiting the countryside childcare system, but getting actively involved in "making it happen" by volunteering to assemble the furniture and renovations.
Upgrading Kindergartens & Children's Homes in Hungary and in Ukraine

Primary School Canteen, Chomonyn (Ukraine) 2022
This project is still in progress. Expected to be fully finished spring 2024.

Szilaspogony Micimackó Nursery
We needed a storage for sorting and preparing packages to Ukraine. A place where volunteers can meet and work together. The Kisfaludy 40 house community agreed that the common basement could be used free of charge for this purpose. It's still in use, for special collections.

Special Needs Boys Institute Vynohradiv (Ukraine) 2023
This project is still in progress. Expected to be fully finished spring 2024.

Wesley János Nursery Budapest (Hungary)
People of Budapest couldn't just stand and watch fleeing children and mothers arriving on the trains from Ukraine. A civil aid point for kids was born, out of love. Furnished with kid's benches, carpets, coloring books and even little beds for the tired travelers. Mum's could pick up essential kids supply and baby food.

Istenmezeje Tündérkert Kindergarten
After the Keleti civil aid point closed in March 2022, the AKG school offered space to store the collected items. The students helped to prepare all donations, boxed it up, listed all items. And we also held a discussion session with the youngsters on what's happening in Ukraine, and how best they could help.

Svaljava State Children's home Svaljava (Ukraine) 2022
This project is still in progress. Expected to be fully finished spring 2024.

Zabar, State Children's Home
We needed a storage for sorting and preparing packages to Ukraine. A place where volunteers can meet and work together. The Kisfaludy 40 house community agreed that the common basement could be used free of charge for this purpose. It's still in use, for special collections.

Zabar, Pittypang Nursery
After the Keleti civil aid point closed in March 2022, the AKG school offered space to store the collected items. The students helped to prepare all donations, boxed it up, listed all items. And we also held a discussion session with the youngsters on what's happening in Ukraine, and how best they could help.

Robert Burns Foundation
St. Andrew's Association
The Sunshine Appeal
The Caledonia Scottish Pub customers (2010-2018)
Upgrading Kindergartens & Children's Homes in UKRAINE

We work with the nurseries to plan the necessary changes to the indoor play area, come up with a design plan, then a shopping list, from which supporters can choose what to buy. We help with the orders and purchase as well. Once all support are in place to complete one play area, we organize a volunteering day, where expats and locals work together to make this magic. Kid's come back late afternoon to take over their new space. It's a true community effort, where both locals, parents, nursery staff, local mayor's office work with the supporters and volunteers.