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Life has it's ups and downs. Sad occasions - like a refugee crises, or extreme cold - made me realize how lucky I am, and therefore I need to do something to be on the helping side. Those people in need any sort of assistance - food, water, heat, home, medical care, etc - very likely once were in a better position. Just now, at this point in their life they are fallen off the track. When it comes to children - especially in state care or in crisis - they all deserve a better future. For me it means they have an inspiring and safe place to grow and adults that comforts them. The follow projects give you some ideas on how I started my volunteering. No matter what scale you go for, how small or how large, what matters is you get involved.

My volunteering projects
Please note, the following sections are work in progress. It will take some time for me to add information, photos and videos I have collected over the years. The links to video /photo/short descriptions will come live at later stage.
Upcoming Projects
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