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How many times in your life you were feeling down? Wonder if you ever feel good again? Something needs to change, but how exactly?  There are many path you can choose to be ready for that change. Volunteering is one, that could be part of your self-care plan. Here you can read volunteering stories and how that affected their life. If you have tried volunteering, please join, share your own stories, and reflect on what happened inside you. If you are planning to volunteer, you can find many inspirations here. Let's work together, look out for each other!

Look for activities that bring you joy, you feel more energetic, balanced. It could be gardening, talking to people, making art, cooking,  playing with kids etc. See our volunteering application form for more ideas.  

Nutritionist Cooking
Kid Painting


Tell YOUR STORY of how volunteering helped you to to change your perspective. How engaging with others in less fortunate situation affected your thinking. Tell us what new skills you have learnt, what made you grateful for, what positive thoughts you brought home from your experience. What feelings you had while meeting / working there?  Sign in to become a member, and start sharing photos, videos, voice recorded stories.

Learn, improve, share your skills, earn badges to showcase your achievements, share your volunteering stories, immerse yourself into local life. Understand who you are.




How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends

Setting Boundaries

How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends

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How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends


How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends

How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends

Making Friends

How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends

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Anger Issues

How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends


How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends

Inspiring stories on how you can pick up new skills when volunteering

New Skills

How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends

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Stress Management

How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends

Burnout & Prevention

How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends

How to combat the feeling "I"m not good at anything"

Low Self-Esteem

How to change the belief "I have no friends" & asking the question why I can't make friends



Mental health is more than just talking about mental health conditions like depression, anxiety or fear. It is a STATE of well-being, when we are clear about our abilities, when we can cope with normal level of stress, we can relate to others, make healthy choices. Mental health affects how we think, feel and act. How we are able to work, study, and how we behave as partners in a relationship. When we are feeling mentally healthy, we we can be fully present, contributing to a happy life of our own, family, friends and community  

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